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A new way to use podcasting!!! Give it a try.

Do you need more time for hands-on, engaging, 21st century activities with your students?  Try creating a podcast of a lecture you would normally present during the class period.   Assign this to students as homework and use your class time for engaging 21st century activities with students.  

Welcome to IzzyLou Studios, Inc.

IzzyLou Studios, Inc. can help your organization excel by providing the professional development and consulting services you need. Our experienced consultants get to know each client and their environment to take your visions and make them reality.


What are we up to?News General information on current projects.

IzzyLou Studios, Inc. is providing Adult mentoring, instruction, and knowledge in multiple states, environments and industries.  Click here to read more. 

Copyright 2004 - 2009 IzzyLou Studios, Inc.